What is a "Missions-minded Church?", pt. 6
This is part 6 of a 7-part series. Missions is my passion and I enjoy writing, teaching, and preaching about it. It is my burden to see...

What is a "Missions-minded Church?" pt. 5
After a little more than a month away from the blog, I am coming back to finish the series, "What is a 'Missions-minded Church?" Thank...

What is a "Missions-minded Church?", pt. 4
This is part 4 of a 7-part series of blog posts centered on the theme, “What is a Missions-Minded Church?” We have already seen that "A...

What is a "Missions-minded Church?", pt. 3
This is part 3 of a series of blog posts entitled “What is a Missions-Minded Church?” If you visit a number of fundamental churches, you...

What is a "Missions-minded Church?" pt. 2
This is part 2 of a series of blog posts centered on the theme of “What is a Missions-minded Church?” God gave my family and me the...